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The ART of LISTENING is the Heart of VOILA Method.  Its SOUL Powerful


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VOILA Method:  SOUL-utions, for the Mind & Body & Soul


  • The PAIN ALLEVIATOR  is an expert Kinesiologist Gently Alleviating pain & Healing Injuries and Trauma Naturally.  Creating Harmony in the Mind/Body/SOUL to assist in Self Healing System called The VOILA Method.

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  • A session with Joel Crandall is worth its weight in Gold!  The  beautiful way that Joel got me facing up to issues I'd rather not face. The way he got me finding my own answers and not telling me his answers which is what some therapists do a lot of. It was the safe space he held, the humor injected into it to lighten it when needed. The chance to see him balancing me while I'm working through my stuff and the ease at which he works. Joel gave me the courage to face my vulnerabilities and to start dealing with them again at another level of understanding. 

Visit Joel at:  

Injury, Pain, Prevention and Performance Clinic  

Your Soul is calling: 


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Online Sessions Also Available
Thank You for your Interest in VOILA Method.  I invite you to look around with an Open Mind & Heart on this Journey we call VOILA.  VOILA Method is SOUL Powerful in enhancing Lives; of Yourself and those around you.

VOILA Method is a Complete system:  Including a Dynamic & Fluid Assessment to find the root cause that is disturbing the Harmony of the Mind/Body healing.  VOILA Also provides a treatment to restore the Harmony and Balance - whether it be Physical, Emotional or beyond.

VOILA Method is Simple, Efficient & Effective!  â€‹Using The ART of LISTENING is the Heart of VOILA Method which makes it Soul Powerful.  Come to a seminar and learn the VOILA Method SOUL-utions for your client and for your Self or Loved ones
                                                       VOILA Method - Its Just Something you have to Experience

VOILA Method Services


VOILA Method Sessions

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VOILA Method Seminars

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ONLINE Introduction to

VOILA Method Course





Q: How long is the seminar and how many people?

A: VOILA Method seminars are 2 days (Unless otherwise Noted on Flyer). Typically from 9a.m.- 5pm each day with check in starting at

8:30 the first day. The class is small enough to have individul attention. 


Q: What do you need in preparation for the Seminar? 

A: Open Mind & Heart with the goal of helping yourself and your clients.  Other than that a pen and comfortable clothing.  Workbook

is provided.

Yes, VOILA Method teaches the practitioner how to take care of themselves as well as their clients!


Q: How do we actually do in 1st day and 2nd day?

A: Day 1.  After a morning of learning the foundations and safety of VOILA Method via power point and demonstrations. 

The attendees will learn the Principles of VOILA Method Assessment and Treatment in all positions: Standing, seated and laying down.


The afternoon will be full of practicing the VOILA Assessment in these positions and learn the importance of SYNCing the Diaphragms

to align the body for Strength and stability without body compensation. Breathing is a FULL Body movement.


Day 2.  After a very Brief power point presentation the Rest of the day is ALL about application.  Learning Hands On how to use the

VOILA Method assessment & corrections fluidly & dynamically in a session and learn the Structural Joint Balancing improvements for the Core

Keystones of the Body for Eyes, Jaw, Neck, Shoulder, Back, Hip and Foot.


Q: What's requirement for taking these seminar?

A: You Must Take the Foundation Level 1 seminar Prior to taking 1.5 seminar. Certification after 1.5 seminar is required prior to taking

Level 2.0.


The BODY  Level 1, Mind Level  2, 3 & 4  Level 5 SoulSpace

Joel Crandall - Creator & Developer of VOILA method 

Julietta Wenzel - Physical Therapist

For Physical Therapist

Physical therapist, VOILA method works beautifully in all patient populations, neuro and ortho, pediatric and adult, to achieve faster outcomes. It will blend seamlessly with other modalities you use.....what happens next will amaze you"


For Chiropractors

VOILA gives you a sytematic Assessment to locate the Primary restriction, Not a compensating restriction and to adjust in the manner the Body prefers.  The Result is a Happy Client


For Physical/Athletic Trainers

VOILA Assessment can be Done anywhere at any moment.  This gives you the advantage to know When your client is off balance and compensating during the movement and what corrections are required for instant improvement.  The result is increased Strength, Flexibiltiy & Power


For Bodyworkers/massage Therapists

What for you is so different about VOILA Method that it has totally changed you?

He said "you are not even the same person you used to be and it's so freaking awesome to see the growth".


The answer was a hard one to put into words but at the end of the day there has been nothing else I've ever taken that:

1.  has taught me how to work on myself,                             3. made me more aware of my interactions with people, 
2.  Increased my confidence                                                     4. opened my universe to a whole new world, 


Las Vegas Nevada

Level 1.0 IN-PERSON

NOVEMBER 9 & 10th, 2024

Day 1: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Day 2: 09:00am - 05:00pm

Level 1.0

Joel Crandall

101 Via Vin Santo Dr, Henderson, NV




North Hollywood, California

Level 1.0 In - Person

FEBRUARY 2 & 3rd, 2024

Day 1: 9:00am - 5pm

Day 2: 9:00am - 5pm

Level 1.0

Joel Crandall

6353 Vicland Pl


USD $600







North Hollywood, California

Level 2.5 In Person/Online

December 2 & 3rd, 2023

Day 1: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Day 2: 09:00am - 05:00pm

Level 2.5

Joel Crandall

6353 Vicland Pl


USD $650

Our Clients Say

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